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You can be part of The Wildcat Sanctuary’s BIG PLANS for 2019!


A look ahead to 2019!

2019 is our 20th Anniversary of saving lives!  As we celebrate all we’ve accomplished together, we have big plans for this coming year and invite you to be a part of it, too.

New Animal Care Center

We’ll be planning and designing a new Animal Care Center to be built over the next several years. This will enable more space for wellness exams and surgeries, inside recovery area for cats, and upgraded equipment.

There’ll also be safe viewing areas that can be used for veterinary training. This building will host our animal care staff, overnight staff, and volunteers.

Moving the hospital to this new building will enable us to expand our food preparation and animal supply storage. That’s something very much needed as so many more big cats have joined our family.

Habitats for the Cats

  • We plan to renovate our outdoor quarantine habitats for better drainage and flexibility for new residents, as well as geriatric cats that need specialized care.
  • Pride Prairie will be completed with caves, landscaping and platforms for the new residents.
  • The last habitat in Wildcat Pines will be completed and all indoor and outdoor spaces will include skywalks and plenty of shaded areas.
  • The Tiger Trio, Daisy and Ekaterina will also receive more caves and landscaping.
  • Several cats will receive updated platforms, including the servals and the ‘4 Wild’ cougar group.
  • Plans for renovating areas of Hybrid Haven will begin, if timing permits.


  • An SUV or truck is needed for daily supply, food runs and cross-country rescues. The vehicle will need to pull our rescue trailers, too.
  • New mowers are needed to maintain the habitats and grounds.
  • Ongoing maintenance is always necessary; including new siding on the current intern bunkhouse, concrete ramps for animal buildings to move transport crates, tiger pool repairs, etc.

Building for our Future

  • Bringing the sanctuary to our supporters through:
    • New website
    • More live posts and videos
    • More photos
    • Investment in new high-speed internet, if accessible in our area (cross your fingers!)
    • Adding a Communications position to support these efforts
  • Developing our strategic plan for the next 3, 5 and 10 years.
    • Including Development and Finance staff/resources
    • Expanding leadership
    • Continuing Education for all staff
    • How we impact the Captive Wildlife Crisis nationally and internationally

We look forward to another successful year for the cats!  We can’t do it without you!



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