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The Wildcat Sanctuary is not open for public visiting

The Wildcat Sanctuary is an accredited wild animal sanctuary/rescue organization and is not open to the public for visiting.  In keeping with our mission, we do not put the cats on exhibit.  Here are 5 reasons why we don’t offer public tours.

Asking people to support a big cat sanctuary that is not open to the public is difficult. But the work we do requires this for many reasons.

Most important is our strong-rooted belief that big cats should not be used for commercial, entertainment or amusement purposes. The Sanctuary is a home for animals, not a zoo for people. 

Combining natural and spacious habitats with a life free of exhibition and exploitation, TWS allows all residents to live wild at heart.  The Sanctuary is a place of refuge where injured, abused or displaced wildcats are provided a lifetime of care.

Our residents come to know and eventually accept the staff and volunteers that care for them. But trust comes with time and can be very stressful to them.

Our website is also full of photos, videos and stories so you can learn about where the residents came from and how they live at The Sanctuary.  We share daily photos and live videos of the cats on our Facebook page, too.

Thank you for understanding that these animals deserve a peaceful life where they can truly live like wild cats.

You can also volunteer to help the animals on and off-site.  Learn more about our volunteer program.

Your efforts will benefit the cats in an important way. You may be helping with fencing that will protect their sanctuary, renovating structures, or even helping to clean the prep room or working an off-site educational booth. Every task, no matter how big or small, matters in the lives of each of our resident.