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The Wildcat Sanctuary Rescues Emaciated, Injured Young Cougar


The Wildcat Sanctuary Rescues Emaciated, Injured Young Cougar

Celebrity Animal Advocate Bob Barker and DJ&T Foundation Providing $75,000 Challenge Grant to the Sanctuary to Help “Cats in Crisis” like Anastasia

MEDIA: Anastasia in extremely fragile condition upon her arrival (April) at The Wildcat Sanctuary, and now (June) after she has received intensive, live-saving medical care and nutrition from sanctuary caregivers and has recovered from her injuries.

SANDSTONE, Minnesota – In April, The Wildcat Sanctuary rescued a young cougar in extremely poor condition. The approximately 4-month-old female cougar was starving and emaciated, had numerous bites on her body and was suffering from a large facial wound.

Little Anastasia, as the sanctuary named her, had been purchased as a pet but because she was unsocialized to people, she ended up turned out on her own in the wild. Unable to fend for herself or allude predators, Anastasia became emaciated and injured. Luckily, good Samaritans intervened to get the young cougar to The Wildcat Sanctuary.

Anastasia’s intake medical exam at The Wildcat Sanctuary showed she had been bitten in several areas. Weighing 22 pounds, she was extremely underweight and dehydrated. She also had a urinary tract infection, low thyroid and giardia. And she suffered from a large, open wound on her face.

“When we rescued this young cougar in April, her injuries were so severe and her medical condition so dire we weren’t sure she would make it,” explained Tammy Thies, Founder and Executive Director of The Wildcat Sanctuary. “She required extreme medical care from our veterinarian, and our team of caregivers worked tirelessly for weeks to help her heal and nurse her back to health. While Anastasia has recovered, she is small in stature and very shy.

“We are very appreciative of Bob Barker and the DJ&T Foundation for once again supporting The Wildcat Sanctuary by generously providing a $75,000 challenge grant to help us continue to rescue and provide critical care for our ‘cats in crisis’ like Anastasia. The funds will be used for the construction and build out of our new Animal Care Center, where we will be able to perform specialized medical care for all of our current big cats and those we rescue in the future.”

The Wildcat Sanctuary is a non-profit rescue organization, relying entirely on donations for their 100 + exotic cats. Through June 30th, the public can donate to the Bob Barker Challenge Grant fundraiser for the sanctuary at:

The Wildcat Sanctuary (TWS) is the only accredited, non-profit sanctuary in the Midwest.  TWS provides a natural sanctuary to wild cats in need and inspires change to end the captive wildlife crisis.  Combining natural and spacious habitats with a life free of exhibition, TWS allows all residents to live wild at heart. As a true sanctuary, we do not buy, breed, sell or exhibit animals. The Wildcat Sanctuary is accredited by the American Sanctuary Association and the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.  More information can be found at


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