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Cats in Crisis Challenge Grant


Will you help cats in crisis like Anastasia? DONATE NOW

Online giving through June 30th and mail in gifts accepted until July 15.

Each cat who arrives at the sanctuary has their own unique history. Some need extreme medical care, others need to heal emotionally. Little cougar Anastasia needed both.

Many of the cats’ stories are unclear. We get bits and pieces and often the story changes. But the one constant is they need us.

When we received the call about Anastasia, we knew things were dire.  Purchased as a pet but unsocialized to people, she ended up outdoors on her own. She couldn’t fend for herself, was starving and emaciated. We’re thankful good Samaritans intervened to get her to our sanctuary.

Anastasia’s intake exam was so concerning.

She’d been bitten in several locations. Her tail was degloved. At only 22 pounds, she was extremely underweight and dehydrated.  Anastasia also had a urinary tract infection, low thyroid and giardia.  Seeing how badly injured her face was broke our hearts.

But helping cats like Anastasia is what we do.  You help us do it each and every time!


With Bob Barker’s $75,000 challenge grant, we can all help more cats in crisis, just like Anastasia.

Bob Barker and the DJ&T Foundation is challenging you – our supporters – to donate $75,000 toward rescues and critical care. They’ll donate $75,000 towards the build-out of our new Animal Care Center, where so much specialized care will take place.

Your donation today is critical to Anastasia and to helping us meet this challenge grant! 


Every $25, $50 and $100 means so much. Our goal is to raise the $75,000 – will you help us and Anastasia?

Your support offers cats in crisis a new lease on life.  Just see how far this young girl has already come with the critical care she so desperately needed!

P.S. We can’t erase Anastasia’s past, but we can provide her with a bright future. Please donate today.

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