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Kajeeka – In Memory


George and Kajeeka, a pair of Canada lynx, resided at a sanctuary in Colorado. The sad part is, the sanctuary was not receiving enough funding to continue to care for the animals.

So, the Director made the very difficult decision to start placing animals at other facilities in order to ensure they received the proper care. It must be so humbling when one is faced with such a decision.

George is very apprehensive of people and is very protective over his habitat mate, Kajeeka. The bond they share is amazing and very special.

Kajeeka is deaf and blind, but you’d never know it by her spirit. She’s so courageous and truly enjoys life. She gets up on her perches and can be seen playing with toys.

She is absolutely in love with George and he takes his self-appointed job of protecting her very seriously.


In Memory ~ September 2010

An unexpected tragedy hit us today. Kajeeka our sweet lynx has passed.

She wasn’t feeling very well the past couple of days, so we decided to have our vets look at her. Blood work and x-rays showed kidney failure, anemia and a possible mass on her kidney. We made the decision to help her pass so she would not have to endure any more pain or illness.

Our hearts go out to George, who was her guardian and loved her very much. The two were inseparable and this loss is going to be hard for him, so please keep him in your thoughts.

After we helped Kajeeka pass, we brought her back to George for him to say good-bye.

Kajeeka had a pretty rough start in life, first being completely declawed and then losing her hearing and eyesight. She also lost one of her eyes completely.

But none of those things slowed her down. She loved anything to do with scents; perfumes, Lawry’s Seasoned Salt, catnip, you name it and she rubbed on it.

She loved George most of all, often claiming him as her own by peeing on him when anyone walked by. No matter what she was doing, George was always near.

We still can’t believe this happened. Kajeeka was such a wonderful girl, so full of life it’s hard to believe that hers is over. She will live on in our memories though, and we’ll do our best to comfort George in his time of need.

We are so glad we were able to know you Kajeeka, we hope wherever you are now all the colors are bright and the scents are never ending.
