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Wild-born cougars released into new habitat at The Wildcat Sanctuary


Can you ever put a price on a life….on a moment…..on a new experience?

Last year, you helped bring wild-born orphan kittens Snow, Storm, Aspen and Blaze home for the holidays. Though they came from two different areas, they’d each lost their mothers tragically. You helped them have a chance to heal emotionally and physically and form a new blended family together at The Wildcat Sanctuary.

collage-namesNow, as they grow, you continue to give them so much.

Because of you, they’re celebrating the New Year with a new 6,000 sq. ft. habitat designed with their growing needs in mind. For cougars from the wild, feeling safe and secure, while learning to trust humans, is such a priority for their long-term care and happiness. At each stage of their growth and development, their needs change – and so do the habitat areas that benefit them most.

Our staff and interns have worked so hard through some very bitter temperatures this month preparing new habitat areas for the one-year-old kittens. It’s divided into 3 sections in order to safely shift them for cleaning and feeding. Since they’re still so young and love to climb, it took a long time for us to also roof the entire habitat – a big job indeed!

We hope you enjoy watching as Snow, Storm, Aspen and Blaze move into their new habitat:


As these four continue to grow, their habitat area will also continue to grow.  In the spring, they’ll have another 6,000 sq. ft. added to their habitat. Something to look forward to!


Thank you for loving them and helping provide the best for them, assuring they’ll grow into strong, confident cougars – just like you did for Donoma, Andre, Noah, Langley, and Carlo so many years ago when they were orphaned, too.

With your support, it’s a Happy New Year indeed!

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