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Rescuing the Rescuers – the Future of Animal Welfare Staffing

Animal welfare overflows the boundaries of a regular workday All of us are part of our sanctuary family because of the amazing rescue work we do for animals. But after the exciting news of a rescue fades, the cats still need to be cared for day after day, year after year. And that’s where our

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Big Cat Public Safety Act Passes!

Big Cat Public Safety Act Passes! The Big Cat Public Safety Act was signed into law by the President on December 20, 2022. For so long, we’ve been supporting the passage of this bill, as have Big Cat Sanctuary Alliance member sanctuaries and other animal advocates throughout the country. And you! Many of you called

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What’s ahead for 2023?

 Ending the year with the rescue of 4 Ukraine lion cubs, we are excited for 2023 and what it can bring! We’re hoping you’ll join us make a difference in the lives of the cats and those that care for them. Here’s to making life even better for the cats – with your help. 

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Lion cubs rescued from Ukraine arrive at The Wildcat Sanctuary in Sandstone, Minnesota

12/12/2022 Update: Lunch with the lions: Watch the cubs LIVE on YouTube Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12-2 p.m. CST. 12/1/2022 Update:  Tammy Thies shared, “After their long journey, all four cubs were merged and were seen cuddling up together for a much-deserved rest. This new lion pride will grow up as a family, living

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Be part of the Ukraine Lion cubs rescue

BREAKING NEWS!! The rescued Ukraine lion cubs have arrived at The Wildcat Sanctuary in Sandstone, MN. Read why these 4 lion cubs were in need of rescue at: From Tammy: While most were enjoying a Thanksgiving feast, I was flying to Poland. I needed to begin finalizing plans in hopes we could bring the

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Meet the 4 Rescued Tiger King Big Cats

Meet rescued Tiger King big cats living at The Wildcat Sanctuary Their story underscores need to pass the Big Cat Public Safety Act In May 2021, The Wildcat Sanctuary rescued two white lions, a liliger and a white tiger from Tiger King Park. In total, the Department of Justice seized 69 cats from Tiger King

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The Small Exotic Cat Crisis

What is the Small Exotic Cat Crisis? For the past decade, sanctuaries and animal advocates lobbied hard to pass federal legislation preventing the private ownership and breeding of big cats. Finally, the Big Cat Public Safety Act was approved by Congress in 2022. It prohibits the private possession of lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, jaguars, cougars, or

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What’s Ahead for 2022!

We have big plans for 2022 and we’re hoping you’ll join us! Here’s to making life even better for the cats – with your help.  Donate Now! Animal Care Center Move into the new Animal Care Center Hospital and purchase the remaining hospital equipment needed Hire a full-time, onsite veterinarian to provide support for around-the-clock

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Combined Federal Campaign

The Combined Federal Campaign is the official workplace-giving campaign for the federal community. This year, the program is available through January 15, 2024. The website for Federal employees and retirees is: What is the Combined Federal Campaign? The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) offers federal employees and retirees the opportunity to support the causes they

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The Wildcat Sanctuary Rescues Emaciated, Injured Young Cougar

The Wildcat Sanctuary Rescues Emaciated, Injured Young Cougar Celebrity Animal Advocate Bob Barker and DJ&T Foundation Providing $75,000 Challenge Grant to the Sanctuary to Help “Cats in Crisis” like Anastasia MEDIA: Anastasia in extremely fragile condition upon her arrival (April) at The Wildcat Sanctuary, and now (June) after she has received intensive, live-saving medical care and

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